Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cafe Full House with BFF

When I first heard about Full House, the Korean drama came into my mind. That was my virgin Korean drama. Since then, I never really watched Korean drama. Maybe I prefer others more. Ha-Ha..Until when I saw this theme restaurant at Times Square, Penang - it caught my attention. They were here already few years back but I never visited till last month. We went there for Huey's birthday celebration.  

The rest of the friends were waiting for us - Huey and myself came in later. They manage to walked around and took some pictures of the interior designs. The whole background were all in white; an undoubtedly pretty place with plush sofas, pastel-hued decoratives and quirky caricatures on its walls; the whole concept looks like a French Provincial style aka Victorian-chic. I super loved those style!! <3 We managed to selca some silly funny pictures and the rest laughed all the way! Celebration should be such that we had a great time. ^_^

It's me wearing Jonquikiss collection. Just wanna show you some of the caricature hanging on the wall but with me there should looks better right? LOL.. Pardon for my "loving myself" mode! 

With the birthday gal at the waiting area. Super nice concept! Full House is a place for us to organize events - Birthday, Wedding, Full Moon, Private Party and many more. If you love Victorian style you should explore this place. 

The story book kind of menu. Cute version!!The menu were largely borders between Western and Japanese with fish and wedges, chicken burger and so forth.

The food presentation not only looks tempting but they tasted good. This is Grilled Chicken in Black Pepper (If not mistaken!) Couldn't remembered what's the menu! :P 

I ordered Spaghetti. Trying to eat healthier as been down with ultra- sensitive skin lately. 

This one looks super yummy right. Grilled Fillet with potato wedges. 

Table full of our orders!! 

Then, after our main meal, a mini surprise for the birthday gal. We requested the waiter to do on with decorating the plate with birthday wishes. There's a bunch of desserts to choose from the menu. It varies from profiteroles to creme brulee. 

May your have a blast birthday this year!! Still owe you a pressie! How come it took me so long!! :-S But I know you will forgive me! Haha

After dinner, we went around exploring the cafe - to second floor and we found lots of decorative items. Some of the items were for sale. 

Found a princess bed at second floor.. No doubt, selca is a must! LOL

Retro style!! Hahahah... Gosh!! Please ignore my hair.. looks dry after I did colour on them.. Gotta get some hair treatment done!! 

Final - a group picture! Some were not here to celebrate as they were away for trips.

Till then, have a blessed week ahead! It's Raya Celebration soon and I am gonna say Hello Holiday!! ^_^

Visit Fullhouse @ Times Square

G-20, 21, 61 & 65, Penang Times Square, Jalan Dato Keramat, George Town, Penang.

Tel: +604 226 0340

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