Sunday, July 21, 2013

台湾点点滴滴 PART 2 ~ 台中~ 埔里酒廠

Continuing from my first part of Taiwan trip, read here if you haven't - 台湾点点滴滴 Part 1

We are heading downhill on Day Four. I still feel excited until today!! It's such a memorable moments!!  <3 <3 <3

Before heading to Taipei, we visited Puli Brewery Factory. It is the first wine culture museum in Taiwan. That means it has lots of wine history in this museum. You should visit here if you are planning for Taiwan. Sounds interesting right? I believe the pictures would tell! Sorry, gonna spam you with lots of wine pictures!! LOL 

Hello Puli Brewery Factory
The nicely decorated empty beer bottles!! 
Yellow Bottles
This looks like the olden days drama I've watched in TVB series
Blur posing with an array of Chinese wine bottles! I smell wine when I walk over it! Nice!!
The artistic drawing along the walkway
Me 3 years ago? Look different from now?  
I couldn't remember how long we walked but we knew we were hungry already. We stop by one of the restaurant at Puli before we took the bus down to Taipei. 

I missed Taiwanese style of meal!! :-(

Taiwanese style of Ramen
Tempting or not? 
Looks like we are having Japanese noodles instead.. LOLOL.. 
Taiwanese food is not too expensive. Their price is almost the same as Malaysia. Throughout the trip, we really enjoy each and every meal of it. Yummilicious!!! 
Time for us to say Goodbye Taichung
Waiting for bus also need selca one!! :p
One more! Lol
Streets of Taiwan! You see 7-Eleven? Love what they sell there.. Haha
Well, there's gonna be Part 3 of Taiwan. Still haven't blog about Taipei... We were there for 6 days. More to share about!!! Lol

I'll share soon... ^_^

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