Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Feeling happy now :-) I going to have a long break from work! Although I still need to work from home, like maybe several hours, but the feeling is still nice. That’s the wonderful part of being a Malaysian, having lots of festive seasons and holidays! And talk about Penang, I can’t even....

The new mall – Gurney Paragon is just near my home and new cafes around every corner of the island. Everything is just so happening!! I see you - Sephora, Victoria Secret, Uniqlo, H&M and many many more!! I guess I don't have much reason to head down north to get something Penang used to lack of. Haha... It’s time to spend spend spend~~~ Like nobody business!  How I wish!! :P 

Manage to hang out with Huey last two weeks around town; oh.. she's one my favourite gf too!! ^_^ We asked CY to help us with some BFF photography!  

We went to THE Mugshot for breakfast. Huey went there before and told me the bagels were nice. We decided to meet up there early so that we can stroll around the park nearby! I were late as usual! ==" I am thankful that my friends still forgive me! I love you guys for being super understanding! <3 <3 <3 Haha

Look at the camera Huey! Oh..Her fingers stuck on phone! Haha... I have these tendency even more than Huey. Just a coincident shot here! 

Us at THE Esplanade. It's little cooling in the morning but by mid-day we started sweating ++ We occasionally being asked if we are siblings! Sometime at one glance people thought Huey is Mavis and vice versa. Our almost similar height but Huey is actually taller than me and our shoulder length hair. It's not that we do it on purpose but I actually like that we look a little similar!  It's a fun thing to have a look-a-like buddies! Haha

Up-close shot. I am wearing top from Dovey Diary | short from Kitschen |Huey is wearing crochet lace top matched with scallop shorts. Love her outfit!! <3

Full body shot! I got my sandals from Bangkok and Huey got hers from Primavera. 

Manage to shot partial of our bags! Lol!! Huey very nice Leather Bag and my Longchamps! <3

I personally super love this shot. Self-admiring again!! LOL Thank you CY!!! 

We actually went somewhere else after strolling around THE Esplanade. I'll share more again! It's one thirty six am now and I am still awake! I better go sleep now!! Good night everyone! ^_^ 

Happy Hari Raya & Happy Holidays!! 

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