Sunday, November 24, 2013

Loving my Mane

This has been on my draft for so long that I almost forgot to post this entry!! Anyway, I should share this on hair style tips and many ways to tie your hair instead of letting them down and looks the same always.. Hope you would love this sharing.. ^_^

Been loving my hair ever since I found a new personal stylist. Thank you Jonny for taking care and sharing with me multiple ways and steps for a beautiful hair. Despite his busy schedule, he had spend his rest time the other day to touch up my root. 

Trimmed it an inch shorter and wanted a side bang - so here me with my new fresh hair.

During the process - I look like a silly person here. LOL.. My hair is so dry now that I need to have intensive treatment to it. Instead of using conditioner, I optioned for hair mask for daily usage.

My all time favourite - DAY HAIR FITNESS produce exclusively from salon and MA CHERIE moisture treatment that smell so good after every hair wash.. Major love!!! Oh ya, you can get MA CHERIE from NattaCosme. Check this out! 

When having bad hair day, I would tie it up into a bun. With just rubber band and a few hair clips, I am done with high fluffy bun! 

Loving this hair style - tie two braid on the side of my hair and secure with black rubber band. 

Tie them up into pony tail. It would look better with a clip on the pony tail. Now I have beautiful pony tail instead of the normal one.. <3

Check out this video! Many ways to tie your hair. Like how Katy Cheung does them. 

See you again!! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hatomugi Lotion

Introduction my favourite skin conditioner


There are times when I get too lazy to do my daily beauty routine - tone, essence,serum, moist,sleeping mask; I will just do with Hatomugi Lotion 

What is this Hatomugi Lotion? 

Hatomugi contains natural plant extract 
Hatomugi is also called coix seed or better known as job's tears
It's a traditional Japanese skin-healer, spot and freckle remover, complexion-lightener and general beautifier

Why do I love it?

A moisturizing and not sticky lotion that penetrates easily into areas of my dry skin
It provides ample moisture to my skin, keeping it smooth and free from roughness
It soothes the skin after sunburn, and has cooling and tightening effect
It can be used as a daily replenishing treatment or a deep hydrating mask

My favourite cotton pads from Daiso - 2boxes (90 pcs/box for only RM5)

How to use?

Pour onto cotton pad and use is as a toner. Using toner is good to ensure our skin is completely clean and restore our skin pH level. 
It will then prep us with the next usage - essence or serum by ensuring full absorption.
It can also be used as a face and body mist.

Best results to use?

Pour generous amount of Hatomugi lotion onto cotton pads and apply it as a face mask for approximately 5 to 10 minutes daily.

Where to get Hatomugi Lotion?

Hatomugi Lotion is available at Sasa nationwide. It cost only RM 29 for a size of 500ml. This is real affordable for a such a size of toner. If you are going to Japan, grab them for only Yen650.

I am sharing with my sister and it could last me approximately three months per bottle.
Go grab them now. SASA is giving away the cotton pads of 60x85mm with any purchase of Hatomugi Lotion. You can use the cotton pads for face mask.


It's my third bottles of this Hatomugi Lotion. 
It nourishes, enhances and maintains the skin's moisture balance.
It also improves skin's clarity, suppleness and texture.

This is an inexpensive item and are significantly cheaper than pouch type face sheet masks.
Even so, they are still safe to use. We may have concern on the quality since this is sold at cheap price. Fear not as Hatomugi Lotion is fragrance-free and colourless. 
Also mentioned in VIVI magazine, they received favourable comments.
Hence, use it with peace of mind! 

XOXO and many hugs from me ^_^

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Travelogue : Korea With Love, Nami Island

After more than a week of hiatus, Mavis is back! But still in Korean mode!! LOL!! 

Anyway, really need to do this – to pen down every single memory that I had for the past eleven days in the country I currently still major miss – Korea!!! We have been planning this one year ago! That’s how crazy we plan things. The main motivator of this vacation is my dear Emily. She has been doing most of the planning. I really can't thank her enough for being such a dear friend - she doesn't mind preparing the itinerary and still tag me along years after years. We have been travelling together since 2009!! 

I received a call from Emily that night, was about to dozed off for my fairyland dream; still picking up the phone without hesitating as I knew something great is coming the way! Voila!! She made it!! Booking confirmed!! Yay... We are going to Korea was her first word to me. The wait was not too long for us to realize it is really coming!! 

Nine months......................

Six months...............

One month..........

One week........

The day has arrived!! 

My airport outfit - Comfortable soft jeans with 3/4 sleeves blouse, a shawl, my favourite Anya Hindmarch Bag and my canvas shoes 

It took us approximately 7 - 8 hours to reach Incheon International Airport. This is the morning view while me still inside the plane. The captain mentioned we will be arriving soon and the temperature was 6 degree. Yay!! I am really excited to feel autumn and cool weather... It's my first time and I super love la....  

First Korean billboard encounter!! Sounds like a silly person who never seen a billboard!! LOL

Happily we landed safely at Incheon Airport. We were on our way to pick our luggage. 

Trying to check the weather outside Incheon. So cold!! 4 degree... Woah Woah!! 

Once we step out of the airport, the breezing air.. I am speechless!! It's so cooling.. I'm having love-hate relationship when looking at all these pictures! So much hope to re-live those moments!! 

This bus ticket took us to Seoul City to meet our foster parents. We will be staying at Yongpyeong (foster parents place) for three nights. It was such a great blessing I've received during my stay there! It's through Emily that I am tagged along with this foster family!!  Emily... I really can't thank you enough!! Muah Muah to you and the Park family too....

Met the parents - It's my first time meeting them. Since it is so cold, they prepared us hot tea!! My first Korean tea in Korea!! Aside, my first on a car with heater! First time feeling warm inside the car but damn cold outside.. The car window is just cold to touch!! Haha 

It took us about one hour to reach the home where foster family reside. We were so hungry that we took lunch nearby before heading home.

My first meal in Seoul with the foster parents! They ordered great Korean dishes for us. They served variety of vegetables and super suits my taste bud.

Salad with Korean sauce

Black sesame porridge is yummy!! 

Tofu - One of my favourite dish!! Simple and delicious!

Also they served lots of fresh seafood. This is real a scrumptious meal! 

Japanese Mushroom in Korea!! Before cooked -  Enoki and Matsutake 

FYI, Matsutake mushrooms are only available in autumn and cannot be cultivated! Sound like very gourmet mushrooms! 

After cooked! 

The side dishes are always more than the main dishes! So you see fishes, kimchi, onions and vege! 

Korean rice! I loved it to the extend I need them at least once a day and I need more than one bowl! Maybe one and half!! I think its because of the multi grains that made it so tasty! 

My travel mates were so surprise with me on this!! "What happened to Mavis that she could eat so much!!" I keep on pestering them every now and then that I am hungry! I need rice! I need kimchi!! Maybe gimme Tteokbokki or Korean sausage skewer - I am also ok! LOL

That's the restaurant entrance! Took a hot tea after meal to warm me down! They served it free to customers. It happens in most of the restaurant we visited! 

We then headed home to unload our luggage, took a short rest and then heading for our first island encounter!

So here we are - Nami Island 

We need a ferry to go over to this beautiful island. They are so famous for this Korean drama - Winter Sonata. The island is kind of big and we had a stroll around to enjoy the windy day and the scenery. 

I did not filter most of the pictures shared here! I just wanted to show you the real colour of this season- the beautiful falling leaves. It changes colour from yellow and crimson. It was such an enjoyable moment feeling the crisp weather!  

Sorry I need to spam more leaves!! LOL Every single spot that you stand at Nami Island, it will still be beautiful. I major love!! 

First Kiss shall be here!! Romantic??!

Not only leaves, wild ostriches are here too! LOL

If you follow me at my Instagram - maviszu, you knew that I had soft ice-cream despite the weather of 10 degrees. Yes!! I am looking for trouble. I feel so much cooler after that. I actually couldn't finish the whole ice-cream but do not want to waste it. So I forced myself. LOL I keep on telling Emily, I should have shared with her =="

Found this big warmer thingy on our way back to the ferry pier. I love standing there and had my last few mouth of ice-cream. See.. my ice-cream has gotten shorter in this picture! I did finish it.

Oh ya.. It's foster omma with us here. Someone we don't know got photo-boomed! 

Making memories with my foot step here! It's time to leave Nami Island!! 

While in the ferry...

Saw mirror so.. SELCA is must!! LOL The outer sweater is a gift from my beloved brother. He got me from H&M. 

Guess this picture would be familiar if you watch Running Man! They had the challenge games here before! Some sort of bungee jumping I think!! 

By the way, it's not yet 5:00 pm but the sky is turning dark! We are walking over to foster parents car. 

Parents said - They are going to cook tonight! Yay!! Korean food!! 

On the way home, we headed to mini market to get some banana milk, which is super yummy!  It's for breakfast on the next day. 

I experienced heater on the floor for the first time!!!  It's to warm the house! Cool isn't it? Even at restaurants, your butt will feel warm too as the flooring has heater. 

Tadah! Here's dinner!! 

Variety of vegetables - were all harvested by foster oppa.  Guarantee fresh!! LOL

Barbeque smoked- duck. I don't take duck meat but I literally tried it there and I must say it's so toothsome. Missing those taste now. :-(

That's how oppa BBQ those smoked-duck for us.. Our tummy is never empty not even near empty!! LOL.. Counting our blessings! 

Loving all these side dishes!! Korean style... 

My all time favourite - Korean rice is yummy-licious!! 

Korean rice wine - Makgeolli with BBQ is yummy too!! (Makgeolli is a milky traditional rice wine)

This is what I mean - never going to feel hungry!! After dinner, oppa made us barbeque yam and potato! Full till............. 

Took one vitagen after meal!!  

Ate again - Long Biscuit with Chocolate!! 

We seem like ate a lot during our trip!! It's day one only.. LOL

Time to say good night and good bye Day One.

Too many pictures to share.. gonna make another entry to continue yea!! Stay tuned!! ^_^