Sunday, June 23, 2013


Some sad accidents and natural disasters happened here in Penang the last two weeks, I prayed that God will continue to protect the people and His blessing will flown upon us here. May His comfort be upon the affected families and people. May the damage control and recovery on all works be done soon. May God continue to protect us where ever we are and His mercy will be upon us always!! AMEN!!

What's this SANDWHICH?? It is a new found place for salads and healthy bread. As usual, Penang will never failed us with new place or restaurants. I am glad that I am a Penangite!! Haha... 

Located at I-Avenue which is near Bayan Lepas area, I am willing to be at that area for  eatery during weekdays only. Too far to travel on weekend. I am just lazy to drive!! :p 

We actually had a farewell lunch for Wen Sher. She is leaving Penang, leaving the company and saying Goodbye to us................ for good. LOL.. OK la... We are actually happy for you but why you leave us here... Should bring us together what!! Don't care... You must remember to bring us along. Tag in your luggage also ok!! LOL... 

Let's talk about what we did and had the other day :-)

This attention grabbing area - I directly walked into this area instead of the bread itself. =="

Couldn't remember who first started ordering the bread but at least we did and we continued with selca time. LOL!!! 

While waiting for the food to be served... First selca with the VIP of the day... Wen Sher

Then the rest joined in for picture together. This is Mun Nee and Wen Sher. The environment is actually nice. We are the only group who were there when we had this selca moment. We actually put everything on the table - purse, glasses, keys!!! How  ignorant we  are towards the surrounding T___________T  Anyway, we are thankful every thing is safe.. 

With Li Huey... This picture has some "smoky" effect. Thanks to Mun Nee la.. Really don't understand how this could happened. Few pictures from her phone actually had this effect. 


That's us together!! Look how our minds can talk!! We were dressed in yellow and green!! A seldom will happen coincident colours!! Anyway, smoky effect again.... LOL... 

Food time... I feel hungry looking at this croissant tuna bread... Looks tempting but actually a little hard to eat. I prefer that they were wrapped with sandwich paper.

This is wholemeal tuna sandwich ordered by Li Huey. 

I ordered this Pork Croissant. Mine were wrapped in sandwich paper.  Yumilicious!!  

By ordering side meals, it comes with potato salad and a drink of your choice - healthy yogurt drinks. 

Acting silly here... Haha

Anyway,here's the location: 

1-1-42, I-Avenue,
Medan Kampung Relau 1
11900 Bayan Lepas
Tel: 04 6841963

Thanks Wen Sher for spending her precious time with us. She is just so busy that we had to rescheduled this date. But we know she will definitely spend a time for us MPT.

I goggled this poem and find it so meaningful and decided to share

Goodbye My Dearest Friend

© Leilani Hermosa Petersen

The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though we wished we could make you stay,
We know we got to let you spread your wings and fly.

For life is a journey that needs to be travelled
and we am certain you'd make it through,
We just want you to know and never forget
that we will surely miss you.

So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true,
for we know that someday we'll meet again,
so never forget we will be praying for you.

Got touch or not? LOLOL.... Anyway, taking this time to wish you all the best in your future endeavour. Don't forget us here!!! 

Lots of love, 

MPT ^_^

1 comment:

  1. I will tag the whole MPT in my luggage! Wahahaha!! THank you Mavis for dedicating some of the post to me ;D Hehehe.. See you again soon! It is sad to leave Penang and you guys.. :(
