Saturday, September 7, 2013

August Blessing

I have not update my blog for two weeks. If that consider a long period of time, my bad.. + +" It's September already. This post should happened on the last day of August but was too occupied with tasks and I almost forgot about it. Anyway, as the title said " I had a blessed month in August ^_^ I prayed that September would be better than August and October would be better than September. Hahahahahah.... 

I wanna thank God for friends. I heard of a saying, If you have five best buddies before you die, you are having a great life. I actually have more than five!! So I consider having awesome + great + superb life!! *throw confetti*  Haha

I am so glad that when I needed help, someone was there for me. Last week, was at the car service centre and all of sudden I realized that only had RM 100 with me. With this amount, definitely not enough to pay the bill and get my car out with me. Worst was I left my credit card at home T_______________________T SPEECHLESS!! Why am I so careless!!!  
I actually had my banking card with me and it could allow me to withdraw money with no money inside! Useless!! I don't keep extra money in online banking account. I apps-ed my dearest friends. Within seconds, I received their replies. Huey was not able to transfer the money as she is like me .. LOL.. Then came Nana, she replied me with "LOL, Gimme your banking account" My angel of the day~~ Later, received HS reply, he told me he was at a meeting when I messaged him and I told him I had gotten Nana's offer. Haha.. Super touch!! I got so nice buddies!! Feeling loved ^_^

# Random picture of me

August is also mummy birthday. We had some cycling moments at Youth Park before we head to brunch last Saturday. Funny thing was, my brother decided to cycle to the park from our home and he invited me along. Without hesitation, I agreed not knowing that it was a long route. I nearly died due to lost of breath. Guess it was about 2km but was like 20km for me! I had jelly leg the moment I reached the park! HAHAHAH!! That happens when you don't exercise frequently.  Shame on me.... 

 # Daddy,sis in law and nephew

We went over to Gusto Cafe at Tanjung Bungah for brunch. It's a 24 hour cafe! However, my parents don't really appreciate it. Call them the typical chinese - only want Chinese and Chinese food! LOL!!  

#With  mummy dearest - The "Merdeka" baby

# While waiting for our meal to be served, I steal the little cutie pie first kiss!! Haha :P

#Selca food picture! My dad and mum stared at us! Ma brother and myself! Haha.. They both said food is to eat not for picture taking! LOL!! 

The later part after August - having some exciting meet-up with Huey and Nana. Something we look forward to ~ Something we can't wait to celebrate ~ I will share this more next time as it's not time yet !! ^_^ The picture above is some hint... LOL

Visited my favourite hairstylist at the moment - Jonny. He found out that my scalp needs some deep cleansing - to reduce my dead skin and hair drop especially during hair wash thus this will give me smoother hair. I liked the way my hair was blown by him. 

The scan result of my scalp. Look at the white flakes on my scalp - they are not dandruff but dead skin. I do have some black tiny dot as well. These are bacteria that breed on our scalp and it cause itchiness. Thankfully I don't have the red dot- was told this is more serious bacteria as compared to the black one. Anyway, these scalp treatment has removed those bacteria on my scalp. Yeah!! 

With Jonny - Thank you for making my day. Whenever I need any hair care and advise, he is very patient to explain every single details I need to know. His recommendation is always affordable. This treatment is only RM 48 (for first time trial only)

If you need any hair services, look for him at : 

Dee Beauty Salon Concept, Tanjung Tokong
No. 6, Jalan Fettes, Tanjung Tokong, 11200, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
Phone : 04-890 5181

Next, need to touch up my hair root soon!! ^_^

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