Monday, September 16, 2013

Bye Bye Blue Monday Concert ~ My First Ever ~

Last week has been great! Enjoying my first time ever concert, attending tea time party, choreograph dance steps for upcoming Christmas event and also hoping some real things that could change half of my daily habits! I can't wait for good news to flow in. I do believe plans are man-made but results and the real outcome is always in God's hand. What ever the results might end up with, I believe God always provide His best plan for us. It will be for you, if it's meant for you. Too deep to understand? I will share when times come.. Haha

I received two complimentary tickets from ChristerChin. Yeah! I stalked her on her blog and instagram. Being one of my favourite blogger, the moment I saw her post, I decided to give a try on the tickets to Ah-Yue concert held at Pisa last Saturday. A big thank you to Christer! Big love to you! <3 <3 <3 (The fun part being a blogger - event after event!) Also, this is my first time attending real concert. So lame T______T Like I should have been doing this long time ago and not after my teenage age! LOL

Selca before the concert starts. I am wearing Forever 21 Tank Top top up with Uniqlo Tank Top || Acewin Light Coloured Jeans || Vincci Polka Dot Blue Shoes || BKK Sponge Bob Biggie Bag (Sis owned) I looked like Macarons on that night  Hahahahah 

I told Steve I am going to concert tonight. He asked me to send him picture - So I shared this to him. He said "If I am still single, I am gonna "woo" you!" LOL  有那么吸引你吗?! :P Feeling happier, TianChad liked my instagram picture too!! Glad!! 

Invited my favourite friend, Zoe. Her attire are mostly from BKK. So much loved - Her boyfie got it from Bangkok for her. Talking about fashion sense - his guy didn't failed her. Hahaha

Another selca before we excitedly walked to the concert hall. This was also Zoe's first time to concert. Thanks to her boyfie for sending us there and we don't have to search around for carpark. Another friend's blessing! 

Us - Waiting eagerly for the concert to start. It wasn't too long for the wait. Concerts starts around 830 pm. We took lots of videos and pictures of him but thanks to the quality of my phone, it didn't came out well! :-( Anyway, it was a great experience! 

Sorry for the blur quality of picture. Managed to take some pictures of the setup before the event started.

The beautiful lighting. I grabbed this picture from Christer FB. She did a great job in the pictures taking. Nice one! <3

Sharing with you guys one of his famous song - 思念是一种病

Comparing with the one I took at the concert! He has great voice! 

After the concert - Saying Goodbye to Ah-Yue! Lame way!! LOL Anyway, have a blessed week ahead! ^_^

Till my next entry, Chaos!! 

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