Sunday, September 8, 2013

Jesus Fashion

Browsing through my Facebook timeline the other day and I found out Jay Chou has accepted the Lord! I decided to blog about it...

Praise the Lord for another soul save! ^_^  There are actually numbers of singers or celebrities from Taiwan who has accepted Christ! And they had used their music talents to proclaim God's love! This is awesome! Our God is so great! AMEN!!! 

Check out his video!! 

This is Jay Chou's new composed piece titled "Jesus Fashion". Love it max... <3 <3 <3

This piece titled "No difference in Loving You" featuring Jay's pastor from New Life Church in Taipei. Read more on Jay Chou news on accepting Christ! Oh no.. Jay Chou is making me loving his music more now!! Lol!!  

I've read that Jay will become one of the singer for "Jesus Fashion Revolution Concert". Hope that we could view it online since I guess it won't happen in Malaysia yet. Fingers crossed!! 

Been through a not so smooth week but still wanna Thank God that I am still standing still because of His love for me! I am not giving up no matter what! A friend of mine shared this and I find it so encouraging that I decide to share it again. ^_^

"God often uses people in our lives to test, stretch and develop our faith. This test asks the question, "How will we handle disappointment?" Life is often disappointing when careers, marriages and even plans don't turn out the way we planned them. Only God himself can meet out needs and whatever we go through remember, This is a test!" 

So I always remind myself not to give up easily! As long as there is faith, there is hope! 

Also, my favourite quote from the video of Jesus Fashion

~ God's love is always here! ~ 不要忘记主的爱一只存在!~

Hope this entry would be inspirational to you. Have a blessed week ahead! ^_^

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