Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blog Giveaway!!

It's another great weekend and I am glad cause this is the best time for me to blog. 

As we always know sharing is caring! Ha..and guess what!!?? I am gonna have my first blog giveaway to all my lovely readers! Happy or not!! Haha

Taking this time to thank my readers who have been reading my blog. I truly appreciate it! 

Love!!! <3 <3 <3

I am giving away the No.1 Styling and Fashion Hair Colour brand in Japan! Would you be able to guess what's that? 

Yup! I am giving away one of my favourite -  Liese Bubble Hair Color in Raspberry Brown. 

I used this Bubble Hair Color before and basically loved this a lot. We can get a beautiful, evenly colored hair that feels so smooth to the tips. The finish is moisturized and shiny even after dry. However, the effect works until next shampoo. So remember to use lots of hair mask to take care of our beautiful mane. :-) 

It is just so easy to use. We need to massage foam into our hair gently with fingertips. It won't be troublesome cause we don't need to section our hair. This new creamy "bubbles" is wonderful enough to make it easy to colour the hair even at the back of our head. 

Enough with my short sharing. We are more eager to know how to win this. Hahaha...
For more information of Liese Bubble Hair Color, check this out : Liese Love

And now, here's how to win this item :-)

Step A

1. Follow me at Instagram - @maviszu 
2. Like the Giveaway Picture
3. Comment - "Love Giveaway"
4. Wait happily for announcement on 14 July 2013 (Sunday, 5pm)

Or you can also do it below step:

Step B
1. Download Imotiv from your phone apps.
2. Follow my blog -
3. Comment - "Love Giveaway" at my "Blog Giveaway Entries"
4. Wait eagerly for announcement on 14 July 2013 (Sunday, 5pm)

Terms : 
1. Open to all Malaysian readers only. 
2. One winner for this blog giveaway. 
3. Random draw will be used to determine the winner (via apps draw)

Happy Trying!! Hope that you will be as excited as I am. ^_^

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