Sunday, March 17, 2013

Season of Love

I enjoy watching dramas especially those from Hong Kong. It has started since childhood and I never stop ever since :-) 

Lately they came of with a lovable drama - Season of Love (since its February - Valentine's Day) Most of us will relate February as the month of love. I think everyday is loved if we treasure them. 

This love story was linked with four season - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Although individual is in love - It will somehow lead to not only happiness and joy but would also encounter some anger, sorrow or bitterness. However, they still learn to understand, accept and love each other even more in the end. It somehow reflect the four seasons of climate and temperature. 

I love the theme song as well, it was simple and sweet; titled - Little Something and sung by Mag Lam. Enjoy!! 

Aside from this lovey-dovey drama, I personally witness several joyful occasions - Weddings of my friends. Seeing how they met each other, how they fall in love, how they treasure each other, this is all the sweet journey of their life. I prayed for everlasting love till death do them part! :-)

I think I have attended about four weddings earlier this year and more to come. Hahaha...Received a few wedding invites which would happen in mid to end of the year. Another few celebration to be joyful for.. Yeah!! 

Earlier @ Nicholas & San Wedding Reception
To me, wedding is also a day when we meet up with old friends. We hardly go out that often now since we were all busy with our personal stuff. They used to be colleagues we knew since college years. Everyone is grown up and getting prettier each day.. :-) 

Zac & Joie's Wedding - Super love their concept 
Joie - My college mate. We seldom meet after college days. Glad that I was invited to her wedding and witness this lovely couple.. ^-^ I am so in love with her wedding concept - namely decoration, venue and theme.. All of it actually.. Haha..

The vintage decoration with on her cocktail session is so loved. The venue is at Deluxcious Heritage Hotel.

This is the decoration at dinner hall of Joie & Zac
Nana & me at Joie's Wedding Reception
Not only being served with scrumptious meal, the environment literally feel so loved. The singers who sang that night, it's just so sweet to the ear. Not like those noisy music that don't match wedding reception at all!!  T______________T 

Zac, the groom also render some lovely song to his wife aside from making prank on us when first invited to sing. Lol..

With my coursemates - we haven met for ages!!
One more - Wedding @ E&O Hotel Garden

I didn't manage to take lots of pictures of this wedding as I was baby sitting.. 

Selca - Most picture taken by my iPhone 4 hence, forgive me on the quality... 

Till my next post, Good bye weekend and Hello Weekday!!! By faith, gonna have a blessed week ahead... :-)

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