Saturday, February 23, 2013

Daiso Haul

Looking for something different?  I recommend you Daiso… Haha

I don’t know why but shopping at Daiso is just good for me. Their items are not just eye catching but useful. Talks about creativity, no doubt Japanese have them. Priced at RM 5 for all items in the shop, it seems cheap but I feel it does not apply to all product. Some is just overpriced. Ops...

The pink socks - I bought them because of its fluffiness  I know it’s ridiculous to wear that in summer but I am wearing when the weather is good.  I can wear that during Spring/Winter (overseas – I didn't say to wear it here :P)

Bedroom slipper - The pink/white stripes slipper that can be folded and keep in a small bag. Useful to bring along for travel. 

Facial cotton – 2 boxes (160 pieces) at RM 5 and I thought this must be cheap till my mum showed it to me that she bought 180 pieces x 3 and it cost only RM 11  =="
Trying to console myself, the one I bought come with pink colour box.  :P

Socks - Here’s another not so worthy purchase. I bought it anyway since the material is just thick… Hmmm

USB Cable - This is for my iPhone. Very useful and affordable. We could plug them on laptop, car and adapter. 

Screen Protector - Another very cheap item but I need to fix it myself. Hope I'll manage to stick them on my screen with no defect.. Finger crossed!! :-)

Craft materials - Can even buy stuff for art and craft work. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's another Happy Weekend

Happy Chinese New Year everyone.. Some of us are still celebrating the holiday while some has already started working. As for me, as usual, I am missing my holiday and my 12-hr per day rest. Anyhow, I know life is always full of exciting moment and will always look forward for it.. :-) 

17 February 2013

The weather is awesome today. After church service, I went hanging out with my sister before she headed to work. While walking to our car, we saw 'HIELO'. It has a banner outside the shop mentioning soft opening with 20% discount. Both of us are always very curious with stuff, decided to walk over and take a look. We took a wild guess - it must be another something related to food. We saw it - It's Premium  Frozen Yogurt ~ just like Tutti Frutti, Fruuze and etc.. Nowadays, you can find numerous yogurt ice-cream shop around town. People are getting more health conscious. Dessert also need to be healthy.. LOL..


This is what we ordered. We ordered a medium size with three topping of our choice. It cost RM 11.90 but after discount it went to RM 9.50. The taste was not too sweet and just good to our liking. We definitely will consider going back. Its a good place to for tea-break with friends. By the way, the first picture was taken from their shop. Nice wallpaper they have. Credits to my sister - She edited the picture for me. I feel tired at that picture. Don't really like it but because it's her who edited the picture and the background looks good, I decided to post it.. =="

Selca with my sister
After yogurt,we went for our lunch. Crazy people like us - take dessert then only main course. Haha.. 

We decided to go Prangin Mall for Tom Yam. This two sisters are craving for it badly. Since we still have time for a short window shopping, we walk around the mall. I need to get a charger for my iPhone. ( I lost it at home - great!! I just didn't understand how my charger walks about)  Found a Apple charger from this shop at 1-Avenue (Apple Island) - for iPod, iPad and iPhone and bought it with a 3 months warranty. Charger oh charger, you better be working good for at least one or two years.. And hope your owner won't lose you if ever.. Lol

My nephew took the charger to charge his iPod. It's not empty when I bought it.. Haha
Dropped Amanda (my sister oh) to work and head home. Planning to do some reading before the new week comes. We gonna  have another blessed week ahead!!! 

Cam-whore picture before ending the week.. :-)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Feeling so down for the past weeks.. Things didn't come in the way it should be. Task at work is killing me. It broke me into tears thinking why I have to go through all this.. Sad max that tears literally drop when thinking about it.. 

I know I shouldn't be taking this for too long. I should bring myself up and get over it. After all, work is still work and it wont end. No point feeling so down for something or someone not worthy. Okay!! I am gonna cheer up. 

Went out to service my car today and my $$$ is gone.. Its a major service and usually it would cost a bomb to do it at an authorize center. I am gonna treat it as a gift (I mean the money spent) as all this while, I have a free 3 years maintenance. Thanks to the gift given when I purchase my car. 

I made an appointment earlier prior going to the workshop. Was told I need to wait for at least 2 hours. Anyway, I planned to get some books there but I know its gonna be bored for hours of waiting. All of sudden, received apps from friends asking me what on earth am I doing for appearing so early on Saturday. Ha-ha . They know me well.. I prefer to sleep like a pig on Saturday. I told them I am going out soon for my car appointment and mentioned how boring I could be there.. Amazingly, one came and bring me for brunch. Yeah!! 

We went out to lunch at Goh Kaki. I never been there and my friend told me he is unsure if there is any food served. So we just try asking in case we could have lunch there. I went looking for my favourite seat (usually its at the side of the wall). I don't really like small restaurant cause I find them no privacy (all conversation being heard) 

Check them out ~ 
On the way, I same some nice graffiti on the side of wall. On the walkway, there is the Malaysian traditional game "congkak" for customers to enjoy their time there. On each table, they put fish instead of flower as a decoration. Very creative idea I would say.. 

The fish on each of the table
While checking through the menu, found most of them were spaghetti cooked with variety of sauces and recipe. They are more of Asian aka local style of cooking. Since I like spaghetti a lot, I don't mind to try them.. He-he.. I ordered "You never taste, you never know". Ya, they have all names for their food with explanation on the bottom. See, told you guys.. They were creative people :-)

My spaghetti - broccoli, cauliflower, ham , mushroom and carrot with plain sauce
Cute tortoise burger stuff with 'vege' - Chinese style
The drinks look fantastic too. They have very creative names like Orchid Garden, Sunshine, etc.. Cannot remember all of it. I ordered a drink - can't remember the creative name but I remembered it has banana, oranges and lemon in it. Taste good. Price is also reasonable. It range from RM 6.90 onward. 

Thirst quencher juice - Yummeh
After the meal, we went back to the center to pick my car. Just at the right time without me waiting for 2 hours going hungry. #feelingblessed again ^-^ I am thankful for friends who came at the right time to give a hand of help. On my way home, went to look for Vivi February version but was disappointed as it is not here yet. Boring!! Shall wait for it then.. 

Gonna enjoy my weekend and be ready for work day.. Envy people who can work and have fun at the same time. I pray I will have that soon!! :-)