Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Victoria Rossa English Tea Room

December is my favourite month as there's lots of celebration going on. Its my birthday and Christmas and best of all it's all about blessing and sharing time. I received numerous presents from everyone close to me. To me, its not about how many and how expensive my present can be, but its the thought that counts. 

Since I am away to Cambodia earlier, a bunch of my lovely friends celebrated my birthday later. They bring me over for a meal at Victoria Rossa English Tea Room @ Irrawady Road, Penang - a vintage restaurant that I believe everyone will love it very much.

Here's some of pictures of the restaurant - If you are heading to Penang, you must visit this place. I like their interior design and the food taste good too.

Look at the awesome design!!!
Even the menu looks so nice~~~
I manage to walk about to 2nd floor to look at the awesome design of the restaurant. Very much of a decent English design with lots of floral theme. I will go there for a second, third and many more times. Haha

I ordered this Lasagna. The portion my seems small but I am satisfied. Was so full after that as I have a small piece of muffin after this. I even tried some of the dishes my friends ordered. Oh.. So Yummy!!! 

This the the muffin I had =)

Call them for reservation :

Victoria Rossa English Tea Room @ Irrawaddy Road. 
Address:33,Jalan Irrawady,10350 Penang. 
Tel:04 2269128.

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