Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vacation I need you~~~

I have not blog for weeks! Blame it to work and drama marathon... Erm, I think laziness is the main thing! Lol

It's my vacation time for the year. I'm heading to Seoul in eight hours time. Getting excited now.. I need to say goodbye to work and prepare myself for a fun and memorable holiday! Can you imagine I've been waiting this one year ago since we got the tickets? Lol 

Happily waiting before boarding. It's a midnight flight. I am gotta greet 'Good Morning Seoul' when I wakes up later. 

Follow me at Instagram @maviszu I gonna post lots of pictures and updates on my vacation whenever I have the Internet Connection. 

Thanks to smart phone and apps - they made posting easily accessible and we are all updating each other every time! 

Chao for now!! See you again when I blog real soon! Haha 

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