Sunday, July 21, 2013

台湾点点滴滴 PART 2 ~ 台中~ 埔里酒廠

Continuing from my first part of Taiwan trip, read here if you haven't - 台湾点点滴滴 Part 1

We are heading downhill on Day Four. I still feel excited until today!! It's such a memorable moments!!  <3 <3 <3

Before heading to Taipei, we visited Puli Brewery Factory. It is the first wine culture museum in Taiwan. That means it has lots of wine history in this museum. You should visit here if you are planning for Taiwan. Sounds interesting right? I believe the pictures would tell! Sorry, gonna spam you with lots of wine pictures!! LOL 

Hello Puli Brewery Factory
The nicely decorated empty beer bottles!! 
Yellow Bottles
This looks like the olden days drama I've watched in TVB series
Blur posing with an array of Chinese wine bottles! I smell wine when I walk over it! Nice!!
The artistic drawing along the walkway
Me 3 years ago? Look different from now?  
I couldn't remember how long we walked but we knew we were hungry already. We stop by one of the restaurant at Puli before we took the bus down to Taipei. 

I missed Taiwanese style of meal!! :-(

Taiwanese style of Ramen
Tempting or not? 
Looks like we are having Japanese noodles instead.. LOLOL.. 
Taiwanese food is not too expensive. Their price is almost the same as Malaysia. Throughout the trip, we really enjoy each and every meal of it. Yummilicious!!! 
Time for us to say Goodbye Taichung
Waiting for bus also need selca one!! :p
One more! Lol
Streets of Taiwan! You see 7-Eleven? Love what they sell there.. Haha
Well, there's gonna be Part 3 of Taiwan. Still haven't blog about Taipei... We were there for 6 days. More to share about!!! Lol

I'll share soon... ^_^

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Contact Lens Beauty

Sponsored Post 

I started wearing glasses during high school and I look like a nerd back then. I dislike the fact that I need to wear them as I just look ugly with it. I only wear it when I  really need to and when people don't really notice. Thanks to my weird act, my vision shoot up from a sphere power level of 1.50 to 4.00. Yes, that the silly me back then!! T_______________T

I want eyes that sparklers!!
How I wish I would have the opportunity to wear contact lens back then. It was not cheap for me as a student and I don't earn any income yet. My mum said it was too pricey and it dangerous to place anything close to your eyes!! @.@ When mummy rejects your request, whatever reason could appear in their mind  

Anyway, during college, I started to work part-time and got my first contact lens ever. That's a big change for me - My vision is perfect, I look fresh and pretty everyday. Haha

Happy me!! 
Today, spectacles and contact lenses no longer only helps blurred vision. They now play a part to beautify a person's appearance; making us looking gorgeous! 

Thanks to Glasses Online Malaysia I received a pair of FreshKon colour contact lens - Winsome Brown to try. It was love at first sight when I first received the lenses. I always like natural enhancer and that includes the colour lenses I choose as well. ^_^ Brown contact lenses would best compliment my Asian skin. Unless I am going for anime, cosplay or drama, maybe I would consider blue, green or even red!! Haha


Why Fresh Kon Alluring Eyes?
While browsing through Glasses Online|Amazing Contact Lenses, I saw lots of brands and varieties. They really sell it at a very affordable price. It took me a while to search through it as I never tried most of the brands. I went searching for the information and colours as well. Finally, I found you - Winsome Brown!! It has 55% in water! That's what I read from the information list provided by Glasses Online and to me it's gonna moist my eyes! 

Now, I have sparklers eyes!! Indeed, they are comfortable to me! ^_^

Wearing FreshKon Winsome Brown
Prefer Colourless Contact Lenses?
I have been switching in wearing colour and colourless contact lenses from time to time. CIBA Vision - Air Optix Aqua is of my favourite and it is one of a most raved contact lenses. We can say goodbye to discomfort and dryness as it a breathable contact lenses. If colour lenses is not your choice, then check out for Air Optix from Glasses Online. I have share and made all my friends switch to Air Optix Aqua and no one complains on discomfort and dryness anymore!!  :-)

Selca of my picture again!! LOLOL
Why GlassesOnlineMalaysia?
  • Free Delivery
  • Free 30 Days Return
  • Lowest Price Guarantee
  • 100% Original Brands
Yes!! You read it!! GlassesOnline do have lots of brands for us to purchase our favourite contact lenses - Air Optix|Acuvue|Blincon|Biomedics|Freshlook|FreshKon| and many more! Aside to this, there's also variety of nice and affordable Glasses and Sunglasses

Buying from GlassesOnline allows us to pick and choose any brands we like to try. I can choose FreshKon, Freshlook and Air Optix at one go and price would be cheaper than buying elsewhere!! How not to love?? ^_^

Remember to like GlassesOnline Facebook Page for exclusive updates and offer!! 

That's not all. GlassesOnline is rewarding all my lovely readers and friends!! You will get RM20 off your purchase, with a minimum expenditure of RM 100 on any product (contact lenses, sunglasses or glasses). The voucher code is valid till 31st August 2013. 

All you need to do is, include this voucher code | GOszu20| Once you have done with purchase, you have to enter this gift code upon "Check Out".

Check them out now!! Say yay to Glassesonline!!! 

Happy Shopping!! ^_^

Monday, July 15, 2013

Blog Giveaway Winner!!

I am sorry this came in later. Was busy for the past few days. Thanks to those who joined in this giveaway. Though not many came to participate but was still thankful that at least I am blessing someone with this Liese Bubble Hair Colour!!  

I am combining both participating at Instagram and Imotiv. I am using one of the apps from iPhone. 

Congratulations to Ahhu. You won yourself the Liese Bubble Hair Colour!! I am happy for the winner as you are going to enjoy and have a great time colouring your hair. ^_^ 

The instruction for the hair colouring will be mentioned on the product itself when you received it from me. Please email me - I need your full name, home address and contact number. I will be sending you the product soon.

Thanks to the rest who have participate in this Giveaway!! I am going to do it more in future!! ^_^

Stay tuned!! Have a blessed day ahead! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

L'occitane Appreciation Day!!

Summer, 10 July 2013

Had a day off today for my braces check-up and head over to Gurney Plaza after that. I received invitation from L'occitane earlier to attend their yearly appreciation day specially for it's members. Yes, I am one of their avid fans!  ^_^

Every members will be given a door gift. I am not sure if every one will received the same item but mine are Verbana range of Shampoo, Conditioner and Shower Gel. This set is truly handy for travel use. At the size of 75ml - they cost approximately RM 50 over.  You just need to show your member card or invitation card to entitle for the door gift. 

Super love items of Verbana. They smells great that I almost taste it. Haha The scent is just ok - not too strong for my liking. I actually received the almost similar thing from L'occitane last year. This is how L'occitane pamper it's member every year. 

Members will be served with some light refreshment for the event opening too. I was not early to the event T_______________T Didn't manage to capture yummy desserts, cakes... 

But still manage to capture plates and cups. Hahahahaha

L'occitane welcomes you. That's the beautifully decorated signage for the entrance. 

Aside from the door gift and light refreshment, L'occitane is offering great savings & attractive reward points for its members. Not only that, with a certain amount of purchase, we will be entitled with lucky draws. Sounds tempting right??

If you are a member from Gurney Plaza - L'occitane and you missed the earlier event, worry not as you can still hop over to the store this Thursday and Friday.  

The promotion stills awaits you while stock last!! ^_^

Check out what L'occitane is offering. Follow them  at L'OCCITANE Facebook Page. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blog Giveaway!!

It's another great weekend and I am glad cause this is the best time for me to blog. 

As we always know sharing is caring! Ha..and guess what!!?? I am gonna have my first blog giveaway to all my lovely readers! Happy or not!! Haha

Taking this time to thank my readers who have been reading my blog. I truly appreciate it! 

Love!!! <3 <3 <3

I am giving away the No.1 Styling and Fashion Hair Colour brand in Japan! Would you be able to guess what's that? 

Yup! I am giving away one of my favourite -  Liese Bubble Hair Color in Raspberry Brown. 

I used this Bubble Hair Color before and basically loved this a lot. We can get a beautiful, evenly colored hair that feels so smooth to the tips. The finish is moisturized and shiny even after dry. However, the effect works until next shampoo. So remember to use lots of hair mask to take care of our beautiful mane. :-) 

It is just so easy to use. We need to massage foam into our hair gently with fingertips. It won't be troublesome cause we don't need to section our hair. This new creamy "bubbles" is wonderful enough to make it easy to colour the hair even at the back of our head. 

Enough with my short sharing. We are more eager to know how to win this. Hahaha...
For more information of Liese Bubble Hair Color, check this out : Liese Love

And now, here's how to win this item :-)

Step A

1. Follow me at Instagram - @maviszu 
2. Like the Giveaway Picture
3. Comment - "Love Giveaway"
4. Wait happily for announcement on 14 July 2013 (Sunday, 5pm)

Or you can also do it below step:

Step B
1. Download Imotiv from your phone apps.
2. Follow my blog -
3. Comment - "Love Giveaway" at my "Blog Giveaway Entries"
4. Wait eagerly for announcement on 14 July 2013 (Sunday, 5pm)

Terms : 
1. Open to all Malaysian readers only. 
2. One winner for this blog giveaway. 
3. Random draw will be used to determine the winner (via apps draw)

Happy Trying!! Hope that you will be as excited as I am. ^_^