Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hello... Good Morning ~ Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie ~

We all know that breakfast is a very important thing. No matter how busy we would be, breakfast - the first meal of the day should not be missed. There is a saying that goes, "Eat breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Queen and Dinner like a beggar" . It means that we should eat a lot for breakfast, moderate for lunch and lesser for dinner (this indirectly helps to control your weight)

On weekdays, I have limited to prepare myself for a self-made breakfast. Hence, I usually have a cup of oat with milk or Milo. I will then eat some bread at the office. However, on weekends, I tend to prepare something more filling and tasty (at least for me).  

Oat, Orange juice and home-made wan tan mee with vege only
I am looking for some wooden utensils like the food prepared by Gastro;the restaurant mentioned earlier. Gotta search them at Daiso... Hehe

Bread with butter and blackcurrent jam with croissant & oat milk
Maggie mee with lots of vege and sausages
This is super healthy - Strawberries
Hope that I will get the chance to eat sweet strawberries on my trip to Korea end of this year. What we have here are mostly sour. I ended up dipped them in honey to minus the sourish taste. 

Levain boulangerie. patisserie
I went to KL with my bestie, Ai Ling last January. Our purpose is to shop for H&M and Uniqlo (not available at Penang at that point of time) On our final day, our host brought us to Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie. 

This is located off Jalan Imbi and they served french-style bakery and cafe where I find all the pastry were so tempting. I didn't manage to take lots of pictures of it as I am too hungry at that time :-( 

Our orders
I literally took a lot of food and put them back after I realize it too much. I am not going to finish it. Haha...

The fruit salad (mango,lettuce,raspberry,strawberry and blueberry) came with sauce where I mixed it with the fruits. There is the chocolate mouse that I shared with Ai Ling. I missed it lots...

Anyway, check out their web page for more info - Levain Check out how the bread is made and how cosy the place is. I don't mind to have this kind of breakfast everyday.. LOL

I want to go back there again... Oh yes!!! 

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