Friday, August 8, 2014

The Garden Wedding...

of KK and LH.... That was six months ago! LOL! 

Been taking a while to prepare this entry as was looking at those beautiful pictures and decide which one to post :-D 

The garden wedding was in February and the overall concept is loved!  

We were preparing ourselves for the exchange of vows and ring ceremony. All the girls were getting ready in the hotel room. From make-up, hair-do and changing into the dress, turning ourselves into lovely bridesmaids for our bestie! Hahaha!! 

The bridesmaids

Parkroyal Hotel has such a beautiful garden view for wedding ceremony. 

The delicious round cake adorned with pastel roses!! 

Finger food for the guests

The adorable flower girl and page boy

The bride with her beloved daddy walking her down the aisle. A loving moment <3

The best-men

Us again! Before the ceremony

The vows

The exchange of wedding band - represents a never-ending cycle of eternal love

We now present you Mr & Mrs. Koo 

Photo time!! 

Tossing the bouquet 

Well, guys wanna have the same fun too! Hilarious max.. It's my first time seeing guys wanting to toss the bouquet of the bride! LOL!! 

Till then, ciao.. Hope it won't take me too long for my next post!  Haha

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