Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vacation I need you~~~

I have not blog for weeks! Blame it to work and drama marathon... Erm, I think laziness is the main thing! Lol

It's my vacation time for the year. I'm heading to Seoul in eight hours time. Getting excited now.. I need to say goodbye to work and prepare myself for a fun and memorable holiday! Can you imagine I've been waiting this one year ago since we got the tickets? Lol 

Happily waiting before boarding. It's a midnight flight. I am gotta greet 'Good Morning Seoul' when I wakes up later. 

Follow me at Instagram @maviszu I gonna post lots of pictures and updates on my vacation whenever I have the Internet Connection. 

Thanks to smart phone and apps - they made posting easily accessible and we are all updating each other every time! 

Chao for now!! See you again when I blog real soon! Haha 

Monday, October 14, 2013


在這裡 等了好久 我快瘋了 為甚麼今天那麼多人 真的沒辦法 為了要去旅行 我必須在這等 看来還需要等很久 应该有百多个人在排 就去了附近的 Cafe 享受一杯熱咖啡 我最爱的 Green Tea Latte 

没想到 Cafe 的員工 送了我一杯咖啡口味的冰淇淋 口感相當不錯的

他們的服務 真的很不錯 還拿了一杯溫水給我 

谢谢 Twelve Cups 真的很希望回到 Immigration Office 的時候 就會輪到我了

請不要叫我改天再來 我真的會瘋咯 (努力祈禱😄)