Thursday, August 8, 2013

台湾点点滴滴 PART 3 ~ 台北~ 北投~淡水~

Taipei ~~~ I couldn't get you out of my mind. I must visit you again. I am sorry I can't get enough of you that I still think of you and I still want to share about you... LOL!!

If you haven't read my earlier post on Taiwan - PART 1 and PART2 and I am writing Part 3 - accompanied by my favourite songs sung by Taiwanese singers. 超有感! Super got feel!! Haha

Reaching the city of Taipei, we never stop wondering around. Too many good stuff to explore and I truly enjoy every single moment of it. Just like some other tourists, we chose to visit historical places and some other famous places so called not to be missed!

This is a must to visit I guess! LOL..Taipei tallest building - TAIPEI 101. We went up and truly enjoy every moment of it. I was told by the local taxi drivers that if you actually followed a group tour, they literally rush up and down the building like in seconds and you don't get to truly explore those places. What a waste! Going holidays and still need to rush like you are late to work! Haha I thankful that I get to travel with my buddies and we travel at our own pace, taking our own sweet time without the need to wait for others that we don't know.

To prove that we truly enjoy our time, so here's a picture of us with TAIPEI 101 icon. LOL!! Just kidding!! We took so many pictures and I really loved to share all of it here! But space constraint..... 

I must say that snail mail and cute journal-ling stuffs are easily available in Taiwan. I saw greetings areas at almost every places I visited there. They have very unique rubber stamps and postcards. We can actually make cute entry or daily blog in our hand written diaries, journals, etc! You can even send those postcards you've designed with stamping back home to friends, families or lovers! How sweet! 

After meal, went back to our home sweet home in Taipei. We don't usually stay in hotel. With this, we could truly enjoy the culture of a country! ^_^ The apartment consists of 4 rooms and it has pantry area (cannot cook of course)  Just water dispensers and a fridge. We also have a washing machine and dryer too. It's way too convenient that Watson and 7-Eleven is also just a walking distance. Can buy drinks and stock them for our six days stay! 

6 days of us in this cosy room. Super clean compare to those 2 stars or 3 stars motel la!!! 

Watching Taiwan drama, reality shows and movies while enjoying supper! Super nice!!! 

The next morning - we walked, took the cab, bus and MRT. Basically all the means of transportation available in Taipei, we tried it all. Haha... Found this CAMA cafe and we had breakfast there. Look at the menu; the price were kind of reasonable. 

The staff uses this bicycle to deliver orders from their customer. Call it environmental friendly. I never see any company here uses bicycle for delivery. That's the reason I share this picture. LOL

Saw this sculptures at one of the MRT station. I know the floor its dirty! But just feel like sitting down and capture the cutie! LOL!! 

Streets of Taipei. We walked around to really enjoy the varied scenery. 

And we reached here - Ketagalan Museum at Beitou. If you actually googled Taipei tourist attraction, they have lots of museums, parks and notable buildings. Although we didn't manage to visit all of it, but to us these few nice places that we managed to visit and really spend time to understand it's history is worth the walk. This Ketagalan Museum is a cultural and historical exhibition of the Ketagalan people. The term "Ketagalan" represents a totem symbol of lowland aborigines. We will see the different culture, language, history, arts of this urban indigenous people. If you love history, you may love this place. I don't like to study History but I love to visit such place for an eye opener. Don't need to take exam, still ok what! LOL!! 

Hello Ketagalan People!! LOL

Taiwanese people reads a lot! Look at this library! Super big.. And in MRT I see people carrying books to read too! 

Historical place around Beitou! If you are visiting Beitou, you can see all of these around that area - Tittot Glass Art Museum, Hong Gah Museum, National Taiwan Folk Arts Museum, China Ceramics Museum and Robot Museum. Basically, it's worth the visit right? ^_^ 

This place looks like the taekwondo area we always watched in drama.LOL

Visited the Beitou Hot Springs as well! If you go during Spring, Autumn or Winter, its a great time to enjoy the hot spring. Not on summer! Already so hot!! 

When come to this place, we hardly say no la!! LOL!! Shopping time!! We are at DanShui!

Super cheap bikinis!! :-) It's really a shopping paradise in Taiwan!! 

Bought bags and the owner super friendly. Got my bags for less than RM25 three years ago! 

Why I am heading to a boat? Yeah!! I am crossing over to another island for Lovers Bridge!! 

I am here at Lovers Bridge but left my lover behind!! Hahahahaha...

Took a lot of shots there! Thanks to my buddies! They are using NIKON camera for these shot! 

Why is Taiwan so loved!!! Everything of you is so attractive!! Even the clouds!! 

I really wanna go back there again!!! Must not forget lover this time!!! LOL!! 

Good Bye Beitou!! Next destination is night market. If not mistaken, we went to Shida Night Market (師大夜市) 

So you see.. These are food not found in Malaysia. Forget about Wan Tan Mee and Hokkien Mee for now.. We are hunting down for food... LOL!! 

Realized we took lots of foodie pics as well. Should make another entry to share with you guys best food around Taiwan!! 

See you again!! Chao for now!!

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